Welcome to the world of freeze-dried candy

Explore our mouthwatering selection of freeze-dried candy

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    Introducing our irresistible freeze-dried candy!


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    Discover the ultimate freez-dried candy jolly ranchers!


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    Indulge in the delightful world of freeze-dried nerd clusters!!


Discover the essence of our brand

My sister and I embarked on a on a dream we once had that came a reality. We both had a shared love for candy and a dash of entrepreneurial spirit. Starting from scratch, we began experimenting with freeze-drying techniques in our own kitchen. It wasn't always smooth sailing, with a few candy mishaps here and there, but our persistence paid off. The result? A unique, delicious freeze-dried candy that was a hit. We then decided to turn this passion project into a full-fledged business. It's an inspiring journey of two siblings turning their love for candy into a successful venture!

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